Monthly Archives: September 2014

Buffets and Blogs… And, a Guest Post!


Blogs are like a buffet. There are lots and lots of choices. I don’t know how many – thousands, tens of thousands, millions. Whatever the number is, I know there are countless out there.

I am not a buffet kind of chick. I also do not enjoy shopping in large department stores, and I have never pursued the goal of building a home with my husband. Why? There are simply too many choices for me to deal with. Too many food options, too many dress racks, and too many possible cabinet/counter combinations. It’s overwhelming for me. I fear my head may explode!

However, I am also not a foolish person, and I understand that this problem of mine – this temptation to overdue, tendency to get overwhelmed, all-or-nothing mentality is an area in which I need to improve.

Having said that, I do subscribe to approximately a dozen blogs. I have checked out a considerable number of them, considered the benefits, and carefully selected a reasonable number to follow.

Like the food choices at your favorite buffet (again, I do not have a favorite), there are menu items with considerable substance and value. The protein and veggies at the buffet are good for our bodies, and the blogs that make us think and furrow our brow in a good way are good for our minds.

Buffets always offer comfort foods. The macaroni-and-cheese, the mashed potatoes, the chili and soups provide warmth and satisfaction. Likewise, some bloggers make us feel good and filled in a spiritual, emotional or cerebral way.

Typically, there are novelty or new items scattered about at a buffet. Like the excitement and adventure of a trying a new food, some blogs bring us new ideas and information we’ve not considered before. We may become introduced to an interesting hobby or a new perspective. That may merit a bit of your plate, and a bit of your time.

Finally, there are the sweet treats. Abundant at the buffet, who can resist enjoying some delicious fun at the end of your meal? Here’s a secret about my church and fellowship meals… Many of us enjoy the desserts so much, we shamelessly visit the dessert table while waiting to go through the line. Some blogs provide pure fun, humor and entertainment.

I’ve said all of that to introduce you to a buffet (I mean blog) that I visit regularly. My writer friend, Alecia Simersky, writes about the “something different” in her life as a Christian. Alecia shares thoughts about parenting, faith, life’s challenges, and more. And, yesterday she posted my tribute to teachers at her site. Take a peek at a favorite teacher memory of mine and her plate-worthy blog at:

Enjoy a Thoughtful Thursday!
